About Us
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Araria
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (Farm Science Centre), Araria, is located in the koshi zone of the north-eastern alluvial plain of Northern Bihar. The district has an area of 2830 Sq. Km lies between 26.11° latitude and 87.44° longitude. The economy of the district is agriculture and the main crops grown in the area are Paddy, Maize, Jute and Makhana engaging more than 80% of the work force. There are many rivers like Parman, Kankai, Sursar, Paribahi and Bakra in the district, which cause floods in different block of the district. The weather here is usually wet and humid; 80% humidity and the annual average rainfall is 1224mm, whose 80% rainfall is between July and September. The maximum temperature is 47°C and the minimum is 7°C, the soil is sandy soil. There is a lack of organic matter, sulfur, zinc and suhaga elements in the soil.
Mandate of KVK
- Conducting on-farm testing to identify the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming systems.
- Organizing frontline demonstrations to establish production potential of various crops and enterprises on the farmers’ fields.
- Organizing need based training for farmers to update their knowledge and skills on modern agricultural technologies related to technology assessment, refinement and demonstration and training of extension personnel to orient them in the frontier areas of technology development.
- Creating awareness about improved agricultural technologies among various clienteles through appropriate extension programmes.
- Production of quality seeds, planting materials, livestock breeds, animal product bio-product etc as per the demand and supply the same to different clienteles.
- Work as knowledge and resource centre of agricultural technology to support the initiative of public, private and voluntary sectors for improving the agricultural economy of the district.
Kisan Chaupal
The concept of Chaupal helps to solve agriculture related problems of the farmers and also facilitate transfer of knowledge, apart from informing women about the new findings in the field of HomeScience.
The Kisan Chaupal is being organized every Saturday in one village of the district. Scientists of KrishiVigyan Kendra Araria reply to the queries of the farmers. Films related to new methods and techniques in the field of Agriculture & Allied areas are also screened through projector at the village. The objectives of KC are mentioned as below :
- Solving of the farmers’ problems through on spot experts advise.
- Active participation of villagers.
- Educating farmers about new advances in agriculture and allied areas.
- Empowering farm women.
- Reviving our tradition.
- Feedback of farmers regarding their problems.